Monday, September 1, 2014

Finding a new kind of normal.....

Because you just might need a little head protection during a super intense game of UNO!?!?
Every time I look at this picture I just laugh to myself.  Is this really happening in my house?  Do I really have football equipment and boy toys...and heck....a young boy living in my house!  Talk about a new kind of normal.  Although our girls aren’t the girliest of girls, this Schulte crew certainly is experiencing a whole new world....a world with a crazy hyper, active, rough and tough boy!  There is a definite learning curve going on for us all.  I know my friends with boys just laugh at me!  But hey...instead of laugh at me....pray for me!  ha!  No in all seriousness, things are going really well.  Little man started school last Monday and had a great week!  The first day the principal walked out holding his hand.  I must say my first thought wasn’t positive, but rather, “oh no” however she just wanted to come over and tell me how great he did his first day!  Whew!  That was a great surprise and relief!  ;-)  And his teacher came out to meet me Wednesday with similar news.  Although he has shared that its been scary and nerve wracking at times starting somewhere new, all in all he has done well.  We are so grateful.  
Friday he found out he was going to be able to join a local boys football league that practices at his school.  He has not quit talking about it....literally....he has NOT stopped talking about it.  It is such a joy to see him so excited about something he hasn’t had the opportunity to do before!  But we did finally have to limit the discussion of was a bit overkill!  :-/  Little by little we are getting to know little man better and learn more about him.  Today we were riding in the car and he just starting singing.  I didn’t say anything but just listened to his sweet little voice.  At the dinner table I asked him about it and he just smiled and said he was singing a song he had learned before at a previous church, then just started singing it at the table for us.  I thought that was so sweet!  He really enjoys having someone to play with and can often convince one of the girls to head outside to the trampoline with him.  
Often times people ask me how the girls are adjusting.  Quite honestly, I am very proud of how the girls have adjusted and taken little man in with such warmth and compassion.  Certainly there have been moments for us all that have been a little difficult, but being able to talk to them and have them be open and honest with us about their feelings has helped us all grow closer together.  We’ve had a couple of instances where someone has asked the girls to introduce him or ask to meet their brother and they proudly introduce him to them.  Early on in the adoption process someone shared with me about the reality of how much I will see my girls grow and learn during this family transition.  I couldn’t agree more...and couldn’t be more thankful for all three of them and their desire to embrace our new kind of normal!  I’m so grateful God gave each one of my girls to me!