Thursday, July 23, 2015


Many of you may remember we created t shirts to raise funds for our adoption….many of you purchased them.  I must admit, since little man leaving us in early May, I have had a hard time putting the t shirt on.  But tonight as I folded clothes and saw it there, I began reading the words again.  For those that may not remember, as we designed the shirt, we asked close friends and family to give us one word that described adoption.  We then placed those words around an outline of the adoption triad…which is a heart and triangle over one another…the heart representing love and the triangle representing the 3 sides that united in the adoption….birth family, child and adoptive family.  So, as I began to read those words around the adoption triad the Lord spoke to my heart.  As much as I cry over the reality that what we thought were plans of adoption of a child into our family, this was not His plan for our family right now….or maybe never.  But He reminded me that I have been adopted into His family!  And all those words that family and friends spoke regarding adoption are just as true for me as I had planned for them to be for little man.  I honestly have no idea what God has done nor what He will do with all of this for our family…..but I do know that these words ring true for me as an adopted daughter of the King!  And for that I can follow Him…wherever He calls our family to go!
So, if you purchased a t-shirt in support of our adoption, please still wear it!  And as you do if you know Jesus as your Savior and have been adopted into God’s family as a child of His, then read those words to yourself and be encouraged!  And please continue to pray for little man.  He has sporadically contacted us these past few months.  As you can imagine, words are sparse with a 9 year old boy via text and phone, but he has shared some with us.  It is always challenging for me after talking to him but God has continued to meet me in my doubt and remind me that His ways are higher than mine and to trust Him!  And this summer we have had a wonderfully relaxing, family filled time together.  God knows what we needed and He provided!    I am grateful for that. 

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